About AJ International Group Naples

Luxury Properties Specialists - Naples - 720 5th Ave South Office
720 5th Avenue South, Suite 201, Naples, FL 34102

Email: AJInternationalGroup@raveis.com | Cell: 239.315.1079

Top Brokerage

The #1 Real Estate Company in the U.S.

Top Brokerage 2023, Inman Awards

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"Always give people more than what they expect to get" - Nelson Boswell


The sale of our apartment is now complete. We would like to thank Alexandra and Juergen for the professional marketing and sale of our property. We were always informed about "the state of affairs", which we greatly appreciated. Thanks to your support and your commitment, everything went perfectly. We will warmly recommend you!!!
Hani & Christian F. (Switzerland)

Nun ist der Verkauf unserer Wohnung abgeschlossen. Wir moechten uns herzlich bei Alexandra und Juergen fuer die professionelle Vermarktung unserer Immobilie bedanken. Wir wurden stets ueber "den Stand der Dinge" informiert, was wir sehr gesch?tzt haben. Dank eurer Unterstuetzung und eurem Engagement hat alles hervorragend geklappt. Wir werden euch waermstens weiterempfehlen!!!
Hani & Christian F. (Switzerland)

"Alex hat mir sehr geholfen eine gro?artige Immobilie am Strand in Naples zu finden. Sie hat sich daf?r sehr viel Zeit genommen und zeigte mir viele Immobilien bis wir dann ?Die Immobilie? fanden. Alles lief bestens. Und ganz klar, es hat mir sehr viel geholfen, dass sie und ihr Ehemann J?rgen Deutsch sprechen."
Knut B. (Deutschland)

"Alex helped me to find a great house at the beach. She took a lot of time and showed me many houses until we found?THE ONE!?Everything went well. Of course it helped a lot, that she and her husband Juergen do speak German."
Knut B. (Germany)

"We were very lucky to have met Alexandra almost by serendipity during our search for a home in Naples. We wanted to find a home that was larger than 4,000 sq.ft. and that was relatively new. Alexandra helped us fine tune the search by tirelessly pinning us down the criteria that we wished to adopt, and by sharing with us listing after listing, these criteria became obvious to us as well. Next, she set up sophisticated filters and a mechanism to allow us to get the latest listings meeting these criteria. We somehow felt that we enjoyed a panoramic as well as a detailed view of the entire Naples market through Alexandra. Due to our residing far away from Naples, she?d also take upon herself to visit some homes as she got to know better our tastes. During my first visit to Naples, we found the gated community home of our dreams. We spent only one afternoon viewing several homes, but we had already done all the homework thanks to Alex. The subsequent buying process was equally easy and friendly. She had a way of doing business that was thoughtful but also firm, so we got the price that we wanted to have. The paperwork process was entirely done by her and her husband Juergen, whom we got to know well too. All the paperwork was handled professionally, and Juergen even went to the premises with the inspector to make sure that all was in order. He took the time to visit with the community center and gave us many tips. Following the signing, they went through a checklist of items that we needed to be aware. They were in every way our trusted proxy throughout. It?s noteworthy that at no point did we feel pressured to do anything. Alex was always friendly, punctual in getting back, and she was never eager to solicit any business. Instead, she wanted to make it absolutely clear that we were comfortable with each step of the process, nudging us ever so gently to move forward. Although she has tons of energy, she is self-effacing and modest. It was only much later that we learned that Alex operated one of the top real estate firms in South Germany before immigrating to the U.S. And Juergen was an accomplished lawyer in Germany. Their familiarity with foreign cultures makes them an asset in working with foreign nationalities and their attention to detail is among the very top I?ve seen so far. I have worked with so many real estate agents in the past, and I must rank Alex and by extension Juergen (one gets two for the price of one?) as among the very top and the very best in my 60 years. I would recommend her (and Juergen) to friends without any reservations."
Kashi P. (Naples)

"Alexandra and Juergen provided real estate services to our family on two separate occasions. In addition to helping both family members find the perfect home, Alexandra and Juergen went ?beyond the call of duty? to help them easily relocate to their new homes from out of state. Professional, courteous, knowledgeable and dedicated to their business and clients, we would recommend them without hesitation."
Linda D. (Naples)

"Liebe Alexandra und J?rgen, vielen Dank f?r Eure professionelle Unterst?tzung w?hrend unseres Immobilienkaufes in Naples und f?r die hilfreichen Diskussionen. Vor allem fanden wir Euer tolles Engagement hervorragend auch nach dem Kauf der Immobilie als der Hurrikan Naples traff. Als Eigent?mer der nicht vor Ort sein konnte war diese Unterst?tzung sehr hilfreich."
Johannes & Steffi (Deutschland)

"Liebe Frau Janz,

Lieber Herr Haeringer,

auf diesem Wege m?chten wir Ihnen ganz herzlich f?r Ihre professionelleund sehr nette Begleitung beim Verkauf unseres Hauses in Florida danken. Sich von einem liebgewonnenen Objekt zu trennen ist nicht leicht, aber Ihre lockere und freundliche Art sowie das tolle Video von unserm Haus hat uns begeistert. Sie haben sich immer viel Zeit genommen und uns kompetent und freundlich beraten, insbesonders bei Fragen- oder wenn wir Hilfe brauchten waren Sie zur Stelle. Wir werden Sie w?rmstens weiterempfehlen und w?nschen Ihnen viel Gl?ck und Erfolg f?r Ihre private und gesch?ftliche Zukunft."
Gudrun & R. Nestle (Deutschland)

"I would like to thank you very much for the great advice and support I received during the process of buying my first property in Naples and in the US. It was a stroke of luck for me that I came across you. You always guided me comprehensively and honestly with all my questions and wishes, but also worries and concerns.

For me, it was particularly important that you could precisely explain the course of the purchase in contrast to Germany and thus could save me from mistakes. Through your targeted search and your patience, I finally bought the house, which was best suited to my ideas and I am completely happy with the result. You have been able to sort out through your extensive expertise and profound knowledge of the real estate market in Naples, which was not ideal for me and show me what you have to look out for. Even after my last offer was accepted by the seller, you have accompanied me step by step through the quite complex process until the closing. It is also nice that with the purchase for you not everything is over, but that you are at my side also in the search for a rental and administrative company.

With full conviction, I would highly recommend you to anyone who is thinking of buying a property in Florida. I will always turn to you if I have a question about the real estate market in Naples or would like to buy another property."
Ralph E. (Germany)

"Exzellenter Service! A+ sie machten es moeglich fuer mich mein favorisiertes Haus via Facetime zu sehen und das Vertrauen war gross genug das Haus via Facetime auch zu kaufen!!! Alexandra und Juergen machten es moeglich mit Ihrer vollumfassenden Dienstleistung, Empfehlungen in Deutsch und Englisch. Waehrend Covid-19 kuemmerten sie sich auch um mein Haus, sie organisierten die Reinigung, nahmen die bestellten Moebel in Empfang, kuemmerten sich um die Pflege und Erhaltung usw. da ich selbst nicht nach Naples kommen konnte. Vielen Dank!"
Robert H. (Deutschland)

?Ich habe zum ersten mal mit Alexandra gearbeitet und sie beauftragt, diesen Herbst ein neues Haus fuer mich zu finden. Unsere Suche war sehr kurzfristig und sie half, sehr schell das perfekte Zuhause in einer Gegend zu finden, von der ich nicht einmal vorher wusste. Der Service war w?hrend des gesamten Prozesses hervorragend. Es schien ihr genauso wichtig, dass ich nach dem Verkauf in meinem neuen Zuhause gl?cklich war, wie es war, den Verkauf selbst zu machen. Sie nahm Probleme vorweg und k?mmerte sich um sie, bevor sie sich auf meinen Abschluss auswirken konnten. Ich war sehr beeindruckt von ihrem Follow-up. Ich w?rde sie jedem empfehlen, der nach einer gehobenen Immobilie in Naples und Umgebung sucht. "
Christine L. (Naples)

"Wir haben mehrere Unternehmen f?r die Erstellung und Vermarktung von Software f?r die unterschiedlichsten Branchen gegr?ndet. Meine Frau und ich haben damit jahrzehntelang umfangreiche Erfahrungen in der Zusammenarbeit mit Menschen in den unterschiedlichsten Bereichen des Lebens. Aber auch vor den Gr?ndungen dieser Firmen konnte ich in leitenden Positionen im Vertrieb und der Verwaltung feststellen, dass eine faire und sehr partnerschaftliche Zusammenarbeit die beste Vorrausetzung f?r den Erfolg ist. F?r uns war es deshalb ein Gl?cksfall, dass Sie beide die Vermarktung unser Wohnung in Naples durchgef?hrt haben. Sie haben es uns leichter gemacht, unseren geliebten zweiten Wohnsitz aufgeben zu k?nnen, weil Sie zwar professionell, aber eben auch sehr einf?hlsam mit diesem Thema umgegangen sind. Sie haben uns geholfen, wo immer es n?tig war und mit viel Geduld alles zum Besten geregelt."
Guenther E. (Deutschland)

"Alexandra Janz supported my 87-year-old grandmother with the sale of her four-room apartment, as well as with the aquisition of a new seniors friendly three-room apartment. Mrs. Janz and her team helped us with any and all issues; they arranged appointments, offered advice and support. We want to express our deepest thanks, as we could not have done this by ourselves; we recommend Alexandra unconditionally! ??"
Dominik K. (Germany)

"I used Alexandra for the first time to purchase a new home this fall. Our search was very short notice and she helped find the perfect home in an area I didn't even know about very quickly. The service was outstanding throughout the entire process. It seemed just as important to her that I was happy in my new home after the sale, as it was to make the sale itself. She anticipated and took care of problems before they could affect my closing. I was very impressed with her follow up. I would recommend her to anyone looking for a new upscale property in the Naples area."
Christine L. (Naples)

"Excellent service! A + they made it possible for me to see my favorite houses via Facetime ...and... trust / confidence was big enough to buy a house via Facetime !!! Alexandra and Juergen made it possible with their full service, high knowledge, recommendations, German, English. During Covit-19 days they even took care about my house, cleaning service, maintenance, furniture delivery, etc. because i couldn't be in Naples. Thank you!"
Robert H. (Germany)

"Wenn jemand mehrsprachige Immobilienmakler sucht, welche genau wissen was sie tun und auch ihr Wort halten, dann k?nnen wir Alexandra und J?rgen w?rmstens empfehlen! Alexandra und J?rgen waren von Beginn des Verkaufs unseres Hauses in Verona Walk, Naples, Florida bis nach dem Verkauf unseres Hauses immer f?r jede Immobilienfrage und bei jeder b?rokratischen H?rde welche ein Hausverkauf mit sich bringen kann, erreichbar. J?rgen mit seinem tiefen Verst?ndnis f?r Vertr?ge und Alexandra mit ihrem Fachwissen ?ber hochwertiges internationales Marketing sind diese Beiden in Service und Professionalit?t nicht zu ?bertreffen!"
Hans & Monika T. (Germany)

"Dear Mrs. Janz,

Dear Mr. Haeringer,

We would like to say thank you in this way very much for your professional, very nice support - selling our Home in Florida. It?s not easy to give up a beloved object after so many years, but your easygoing, friendly way as well as your great video of our home delightedly us. You always took a lot of time with competence and friendly advice, especially questions - or when we needed help were you there to assist us. We only can you warmly recommend and wish you happiness and success for private and business future."
Gudrun & R.N. (Germany)

"If someone needs multilingual agents they know what they are doing and keeping their words we highly recommend Alexandra and Juergen! From the beginning of the sale of our home in Verona Walk and still after the sale of our home, Alexandra and Juergen are always reachable for every real estate question and other bureaucratic hurdles a sale of a home can bring. Juergen with his deep understanding when it comes to contracts and Alexandra with her professional knowledge about high-value international marketing these guys are not to beat in service and professionalism."
Hans & Monika T. (Germany)

"We have founded several companies for the creation and marketing of software for a wide variety of industries. My wife and I have decades of extensive experience in working with people in a wide variety of areas of life. But even before these companies were founded, I was able to determine in leading positions in sales and administration that fair and very cooperative cooperation is the best prerequisite for success. It was therefore a stroke of luck for us that you both carried out the marketing of our apartment in Naples. You made it easier for us to give up our beloved second home because you dealt with this topic professionally, but also very sensitively. They helped us wherever it was needed and, with a lot of patience, arranged everything for the best."
Guenther & Gisela E. (Germany)

"Alexandra did a tremendous job finding a great vacation home for us. She was very helpful throughout the whole process and provided us with loads of useful information."
Johannes & Steffi (Germany)

"I was recommended by my cousin to use Alexandra Janz as my realtor from Berkshire Hathaway. I was very happy in choosing her to find me the perfect condo. She has been very helpful and knowledgeable on property in the Naples area. Anytime I called or text her she would get back to me by end of day and she would answer or inquire any problems or concerns. I found her to be a very professional, friendly and compassionate person to her clients.? Truly an asset for anyone looking for a realtor."
Mary P. (Naples)

"We found Alexandra to be knowledgeable and personable. She kept us informed of perspective buyers. She used a variety of advertisements to promote our condo. Alexandra was very professional in her manner."
Rhonda & Ron N.

"I felt immediately comfortable and confident that Alexandra and Juergen could provide the professional assistance I needed to search the Naples, Florida real estate market. Their honesty and integrity is what became most important to me, and with their guidance I purchased a home that will prove to be a valuable investment"
Neil R. (Phoenix)

"I found Alexandra to be very knowledgeable and helpful throughout our search for a new home! She was very professional and receptive to our needs. Alexandra was very attentive and made sure we knew she was working for us. She never told us what to do, instead she asked if she may make a suggestion. Alexandra did her best to make us feel completely confident and comfortable with her. We truly built trust and rapport with her. I would highly recommmend Alexandra to anyone who is looking to buy or sell a home! Because of Alexandra`s efforts we found exactly the home we wanted and in our price range!"
Anthony & Sally M. (Bonita Springs)

"We absolutely love the way Alexandra and J?rgen helped with the purchase of our property in Naples. After compiling a selection, which was perfectly complemented with many pictures, videos and explanations, we only needed to create a short list. Due to the corona, we could not visit the objects on site, Alexandra and J?rgen took over this part as well. The entire process up to the closing was perfectly organized and handled in a highly professional manner, while from Switzerland we only had to decide and sign. Really perfect !!! Thank you for this great support - we will be happy to recommend you. Alexandra and Thomas"
Alexandra & Thomas E. (Switzerland)

"Wir sind absolut begeistert von der Art und Weise, wie Alexandra und J?rgen beim Kauf unserer Immobilie in Naples behilflich waren. Nach der Zusammenstellung einer Auswahl, welche mit vielen Bildern, Videos und Erkl?rungen perfekt erg?nzt waren, brauchten wir nur noch eine Short-List erstellen. Corona-bedingt konnten wir die Objekte nicht vor Ort besichtigen, auch diesen Part haben Alexandra und J?rgen ?bernommen. Die gesamte Abwicklung bis zum Closing war perfekt organisiert und wurde hoch professionell abgewickelt, w?hrend wir von der Schweiz aus nur noch entscheiden und unterschreiben mussten. Wirklich perfekt!!! Danke f?r diese tolle Unterst?tzung - wir werden Euch sehr gerne weiterempfehlen"
Alexandra & Thomas E. (Schweiz)

"We have worked with Alexandra and Juergen twice in the past year. They helped us find the perfect place for us, twice! You could not ask for more professional, thorough, attentive and helpful realtors. They go above and beyond for their clients. I would highly recommend them to anyone in the Naples area."
Melanie & Tommy W. (New Mexico / Naples)

"Grazie per il servizio ottimo, preciso e cordiale. Sono molto soddisfatto del servizio e anche per l'acquisto della mia prossima casa mi rivolger? a voi. Lo consiglio a tutti ! Grazie ancora !"
Christian R. (Italia)

"Thanks for the great, accurate and friendly service. I am very satisfied with the service and also for the purchase of my next home I will turn to you"
Cristian R. (Italy)

"It was a pleasure to work with Alexandra and Juergen buying a house with Pool in Naples. They helped us so much and gave us the best professional support we could imagine. Thanks so much. We can definitively recommend!"
Martina & Juergen F. (Switzerland)

"After the successful sale of our vacation home in Naples, we would like Ms. Janz and Many thanks to Mr. H?ringer for her very committed and excellent work! We felt very well looked after at all times and informed at all times because of the good communication. All viewing appointments and open houses were carried out personally. They took over all coordination of the required craftsman services - which helped us enormously due to the large spatial distance from Germany and is certainly not a matter of course. Final acceptance and key handover were also carried out by Ms. Janz and Mr. H?ringer. The effort was extremely small for us. Even at the closing date, Mr. H?ringer was very helpful. For this all-round service we would be happy to recommend Ms. Janz and Mr. H?ringer!"
Birgit & Andreas L. (Germany)

"Nach dem erfolgreichen Verkauf unseres Ferienhauses in Naples m?chten wir Frau Janz und Herrn H?ringer einen herzlichen Dank aussprechen f?r ihre sehr engagierte und hervorragende Arbeit! Wir f?hlten uns zu jeder Zeit sehr gut betreut und wegen der guten Kommunikation auch jederzeit informiert. Alle Besichtigungstermine und Open Houses wurden pers?nlich durchgef?hrt. Sie ?bernahmen jegliche Koordination von erforderlichen Handwerkerleistungen - was uns wegen der gro?en r?umlichen Distanz von Deutschland aus enorm geholfen hat und sicherlich keine Selbstverst?ndlichkeit darstellt. Endabnahme und Schl?ssel?bergabe erfolgten ebenfalls durch Frau Janz und Herrn H?ringer. Der Aufwand war f?r uns denkbar gering. Selbst beim Closing Termin stand uns Herr H?ringer hilfreich zur Seite. F?r diesen Rund - um - Service empfehlen wir Frau Janz und Herrn H?ringer sehr gern weiter!"
Birgit & Andreas L.

"Juergen and Alexandra are a great team to work with. They were always in touch with me and guiding me through each and every step needed to get to the property closing. I was especially comfortable working with them remotely and did not need to appear in person to complete the purchase."
Herb F. (Naples)

"Summary of my relationship with listing agents Alexandra Janz & Juergen Haeringer during COVID days
Since I was a licensed Realtor, I made an arrangement with Alexandra Janz and Juergen Haeringer. They handled the listing in the MLS and made an excellent video presenting of our home.
All showing inquiries from Realtors have been handled by the listing agents and passed on to me.
I handled the Showings, Open Houses and the Classified Ads.
The listing agents wrote the Offer/Sales Contracts and I handled the rest of the documentation and the final closing with a closing agent. This cooperation went very well and I was quite satisfied with
the relationship and the work done by Alexandra and Juergen.
Verified by RateMyAgent"
Gerry S. (France)

"Professional and Extremely Responsive Teamwork!
My experience working with Alexandra and Juergen was absolutely a 5 star pleasure. I purchased my new home from out of state. They walked me through each step virtually. Every email/text/phone call was attended to without delay. When there were hiccups with the Title Company they followed through for me. I was not present for my closing and they handled the details. On a side note - although I had already taken possession of the electricity - the Seller accidentally turned off the AC - when I called to ask if it was possible for them to go to the property to turn it back on they took care of it immediately. The devil is in the details when it comes to the end of a transaction and they were both on point with every detail - even after closing. It is my pleasure to post this recommendation for the professionalism and courtesy they delivered on my behalf.
Kimberly M. (Naples)

"I can not say enough about Juergen and Alexandra's outstanding service, knowledge and quick response
I can not say enough about Juergen and Alexandra's outstanding service, knowledge and quick responses to all my questions and concerns regarding the purchase of my home. They helped make the transaction smooth and assisted me every step of the way. I highly recommend them to anyone looking fop excellent realtors."
Barbara B. (Miami / Naples)

"We were very happy with Alexandra Janz and Juergen Hearinger
Both did their very best to make everything for us as comfortable as possible
They were also very helpful with sending our personal belongings to Europe
We can recommend Alexandra and Juergen strongly ! ! !"
Elly & Herbert W. (Netherland)


5 beds

8 baths

8,466 sqft

3880 Rum Row, Naples, FL, 34102


5 beds

4 baths

2,770 sqft

1 10th AVE S, Naples, FL, 34102


5 beds

8 baths

8,890 sqft

959 17th AVE S, Naples, FL, 34102


5 beds

8 baths

7,835 sqft

3440 RUM ROW, Naples, FL, 34102

Price Reduced


3600 Gordon DR, Naples, FL, 34102


6 beds

8 baths

7,349 sqft

1795 Gordon DR, Naples, FL, 34102


5 beds

7 baths

6,459 sqft

138 15th AVE S, Naples, FL, 34102


6 beds

9 baths

7,377 sqft

1583 Gordon DR, Naples, FL, 34102


5 beds

8 baths

11,408 sqft

28970 Il Cuore CT, Naples, FL, 34110

Price Reduced


4 beds

6 baths

7,173 sqft

3595 Gin LN, Naples, FL, 34102


5 beds

7 baths

6,409 sqft

190 7TH AVE N, Naples, FL, 34102


5 beds

7 baths

7,131 sqft

6958 VERDE WAY, Naples, FL, 34108

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