Julie Lombard

About Julie Lombard

Licensed Salesperson, REALTOR - Canton Office
572 Washington Street, Canton, MA 02021-3000

Email: Julie.Lombard@raveis.com | Cell: 617.413.1567 | Office: 781.828.4550
Website: https://julielombard.raveis.com

Red Sox

Official Real Estate
Company of the
Boston Red Sox

Agent Credentials


Like Dorothy said "there's no place like Home". I will be dedicated to finding the perfect Home for you..the one you will be proud to share with family and friends. I will be there to guide you through the entire process with skilled decision-making, offering whatever help you may need. Whether you are selling or seeking a new home, I am determined to make the process as easy as possible. My goal is to make your dream a reality…I would love to make your dream come true!