Eugene Diaz-ElGordo

About Eugene Diaz-ElGordo

Sales Associate - Newton Office
1229 Centre Street, Newton, MA 02459

Email: | Cell: 978.918.0826 | Office: 617.964.1850

Agent Credentials


As a seasoned real estate agent with a passion for helping clients achieve their goals, I bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the table. With a real estate license in multiple states and a focus on the New England market, I specialize in working with first-time homebuyers and sellers, as well as clients looking to build their real estate portfolios. With a property management company that currently serves over 150 doors, I have extensive experience managing rental properties and helping investors maximize their returns. As a fluent speaker of both English and Spanish, I'm able to communicate effectively with a wide range of clients and provide personalized service that meets their unique needs.